The Broom Closet is a place in which many pagans and witches
reside. Not physically, for those who might be a bit confused, the Broom Closet
is a figurative term. I can’t imagine broom closets are particularly practical
places to stay in, for many a reason. The broom closet to pagans is as the
closet is to the LGBT community. The notion that someone has stepped out of it
is usually quite a big deal. Either it means that they feel their family and
friends are accepting of their beliefs and path, or they have accepted that
their friends and family will condemn them to a life of misery for their
“satanic” ways. It can be quite a difficult thing to approach in one’s life,
particularly the growing teen pagan community.
When I first picked up Paganism I was about 13 or 14,
probably after watching something on TV like Charmed thinking “I could do
that”. Alas, I still haven’t found the method of setting blue sparks out from
my fingers or even how to freeze time, but I’m working on it. As young as I was
there wasn’t anything out there for me to read, so I went to the internet, as
many young pagans do. I don’t recall what the website was but some of the
contents was not particularly friendly. After reading this website for a few
weeks my brother made comment that he’d seen that I’d been on it, and he was
going to “tell on me” and I was going to be in trouble. Swiftly, I stopped
visiting the website and all went quiet.
A little while later I went back to the internet, and joined
some communities and engaged in conversation and learned. I had at this point
“come out” to friends, some accepting, some just thought I was downright weird.
Oddly, the ones who thought I was downright weird were the ones messing about
with tarot cards. Pot, kettle. There was one girl in my English class though
who was Wiccan, and she loaned to be the Idiots Guide to Witchcraft &
Wicca. I never did finish the book before she wanted back, but it was
brilliant. I loved it so that when I had money of my own, I bought my own copy.
I didn’t properly come out to my parents. I think my dad has
his suspicions due to me desperately wanting his Doreen Valiente book, he
nearly gave it to me but due to a section on “sex magick” he decided I should
wait until I was older. I got the book about an hour after this exchange as he
didn’t exactly hide it very well.
I probably owe a lot to my dad about my belief. He
introduced me to start-gazing, told me stories of myths and legends. My father
loves the Green Man and moon gazing hares. I suppose he probably got me onto
magick in some way or another too, wishing on stars etc, deep down that is a
kind of magick. So I have a lot to owe him. However, he also showed me scary
programs like “Strange but True” when I was little and I’ve never quite got
over some of the things I was shown. I shall never walk through wheat fields on
my own now or run downstairs with the lights off. You never know what might be
awaiting you.
I moved to England from Scotland when I was 18, although it
wasn’t official for a while beyond that. Having the freedom from my family
allowed me to explore further, buying books on different aspects of the craft,
writing notes. My boyfriend, now husband, was aware I was into it, though
didn’t and doesn’t believe. He left me to it. Happy enough for me to do what I
was doing. It’s remained that way, which makes me happy.
My husband and I married in August last year, a few days
after Lammas. We had a pagan ceremony, which, when discussing the wedding with
both sides, I mentioned with caution. Both sets of parents, fortunately, were
really interested. So it was settled, handfasting it was. I don’t really know
what I was expecting when I came out, my parents aren’t particularly Christian,
my husband’s parents are Catholic though no longer practicing. They all loved the
ceremony (including my somewhat Christian Aunt), and I had the wedding I’d
always wanted.
Fear is what probably stopped me coming out properly, and
from coming out for a long time. From the moment I knew I was pagan I felt
persecuted. From friends at school turning from me to a lady at work actively
trying to convert me to Christianity after I had come out at work. Although I
am proud of being a pagan, I am still very careful who I mention it to. If no
one asks, I don’t tell. Simple as that. It’s a difficult thing to gauge, you
don’t know how someone is going to react. Someone could go way over the top and
want nothing to do with you, others will just going “Well, that explains
everything.” Trust me, it’s happened.
If anyone is reading this who hasn’t “come out”, I wouldn’t
say hide it. Unless you are really scared that something is going to happen to
you, don’t hide it. Paganism is becoming such a huge force out there at the
moment, and although there are still persecutions, no one is going to tie you to
a stake. Let coming out be your choice, not that of someone else, you will know
in your heart that it’s something you can do. You might be surprised with how
accepting people are, I know I was. Also, if you’re a teenager you might find
that everyone will accept it as a phase, as “one of those things”. The only
thing I will say is do not lie. If you don’t want to put it in words, then put
it in writing. I’m rubbish at speaking but I find a good letter gets your views
and opinions across, and you don’t even have to be in the same room!
If anyone has any questions for me, on anything throughout
my blog, drop me a question via comment and I’ll be more than happy to respond
to you as I can :)
Blessings )O(